
The term “buy-sell agreement” means any legally enforceable arrangement by and among a business entity or its owners prescribing limitations on the ability to own and to transfer equity interests. It is the linchpin between a business succession plan and the estate plans of the owners in determining the future ownership and control of a […]

In keeping with the ghostly time of year, I submit the following legal advice for home sellers. The old rule of “buyer beware” has been eroded over the years by court cases involving less than candid sellers and disappointed buyers. These days, the basic rule in home sales is disclosure. A seller is expected and, […]

Prenuptial Agreements are paradoxical. On one hand, you have a couple who is about to marry and commit to spend the rest of their lives with each other. On the other hand, the couple signs an agreement that spells out what legally happens when a divorce occurs. This paradox can produce tension and anxiety. Prenuptial […]

On September 23rd the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5297 Bill that provides tax breaks and other incentives to businesses. It is anticipated that the bill previously passed by the Senate, will be signed into law shortly. Some of the key provisions of the legislation are as follows: Capital gains exclusion. The bill temporarily increases […]

The grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) has been a staple vehicle for estate planning since it was first introduced twenty years ago by the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990. A GRAT can effectively transfer property from a grantor to a beneficiary, while greatly reducing the amount of tax the grantor would otherwise owe on the […]

A recent Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruling makes clear that an employer’s obligation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide employees with a discrimination-free workplace takes precedence over patient or customer preferences regarding the race of employees from whom they receive services. The court held, in Chaney v. Plainfield […]

For the first time in nearly 100 years, extremely wealthy individuals who pass away this year will leave enormous estates to friends and family tax-free. Since 1916, the estates of America’s wealthiest individuals have been subject to a federal estate tax. Over the years the minimum value has fluctuated, but the tax has remained in […]

In Wisconsin, any person of sound mind who is at least eighteen years old is presumed capable of making a will. A will should be created voluntarily and express how the testator desires his or her property to be distributed upon death. However, when another person’s influence over the testator becomes so strong it overpowers […]

Wisconsin has finally joined the vast majority of states who have repealed bulk transfer laws. The repeal of Wisconsin’s bulk transfer law, Chapter 406 of the Wisconsin statutes, became effective February 5, 2010. Forty-five states have now dropped their bulk transfer requirements, according to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (“NCCUSL”). Wisconsin […]

This past week, the City of Milwaukee completed its annual revaluation of all homes and business properties for real estate tax assessment purposes and reported a 2.4% cumulative drop in property values from 2009 to 2010. Other communities may be announcing annual revaluations for tax assessment purposes over the next few weeks or months. Whether […]
