
The Small Business Administration has given borrowers another week to decide whether to repay loans under the Paycheck Protection Program without the risk of penalties. On Tuesday night, the SBA extended the safe harbor for repaying PPP loans from May 7 to May 14. In addition, the SBA indicated that it would provide before May […]

An additional amount of $310 billion has been added to the Paycheck Protection Program bringing the total amount allocated for potentially forgivable PPP Loans to $659 billion, and an additional amount of $10 billion has been added to the emergency EIDL grant fund bringing the total amount allocated for such EID Loans to $20 billion. […]

Wisconsin’s construction lien law provides contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, service providers, and design professionals with a valuable remedy to help them collect payment for their work. On privately owned projects, the law allows these parties to place a lien against the project property as security for payment. The economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis has made […]

Most Wisconsin construction contractors know that the construction lien law exists, but few know how it works or how to use it. With the economy reeling from the COVID-19 crisis, construction lien rights will become more vital than ever to businesses in the construction industry. Wisconsin’s construction lien law (provided in subchapter I of ch. […]

On April 6, the SBA updated its Paycheck Protection Program Loans Frequently Asked Questions, which provides much needed guidance to borrowers and lenders. Many important questions were answered, including these two listed in italics: Question: The CARES Act excludes from the definition of payroll costs any employee compensation in excess of an annual salary of […]

As owners and contractors feel the bite of shrinking revenues due to the economic slowdown, contractors are bound to see payment problems arise on ongoing projects. Contractors may find themselves contemplating whether to stop work on-site in response to nonpayment. At first blush, stopping work on-site may seem like a simple and obvious solution for […]

Although not getting as much attention as forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans, Economic Injury Disaster loans are a viable alternative or complementary emergency loan for businesses — especially businesses that do not have many employees, such as real-estate holding companies. The CARES Act provide an opportunity for borrowers by waiving certain requirements that otherwise renders […]

Many companies controlled by private-equity firms and venture-capital firms still have not received clearance to apply for emergency loans through the Small Business Administration. Despite bi-partisan support and lobbying efforts by PE and VC firms late last week, there has been no waiver of the Small Business Administration’s affiliation rules, which jeopardizes the ability of […]

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provides much-needed assistance to small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to providing forgivable loans of up to $10,000,000, the CARES Act more than doubles the debt limitation under the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA) for a one-year period commencing March […]

Many companies owned by private-equity firms and venture-capital firms are in jeopardy of being ineligible to apply for Paycheck Protection Program loans unless Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin grants a late reprieve from the Small Business Administration’s affiliation rules. Democratic and Republican lawmakers urged Mnuchin on Thursday to waive the affiliation rule and seemed hopeful that […]
