Joseph Gumina

Does Your “At-Will” Employment Statement Violate the National Labor Relations Act?

To maintain its relevancy and expand the scope of its authority, the NLRB continues its attack upon non-union employers’ policies.…

12 years ago

NLRB Asserts that Telling Employees to Maintain Confidentiality During Internal Investigations Violates Section 7 Rights

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has taken the position, in a recent Advice Memorandum dated January 29, 2013, that…

12 years ago

An Employer’s Guide to Wisconsin’s Concealed Carry Law

On July 8, 2011, Governor Walker signed 2011 Senate Bill 93 into law as 2011 Wisconsin Act 35. More commonly…

13 years ago

Think You Know How Far You Have to Go for Your Employees? Think Again.

Two recent decisions have surprised both employers and legal analysts evaluating what measures employers must take under the law. In…

15 years ago

Workplace Diversity: Defining Success Goes Beyond Numbers

It has been over 40 years since Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”)…

16 years ago