Crystal Fieber to Present “Immigration and You”

Sheboygan, Wisconsin (October 9, 2007) – On October 9 and 10, 2007, Attorney Crystal Fieber will discuss “Immigration and You” at Money Smart Week Wisconsin seminars. The October 9th session will be held at Plymouth High School at 6:00 pm, and the October 10th session will be held at Sheboygan South High School at 6:00 pm. Both sessions cover the common and expensive pitfalls to avoid when immigrating through a family member.

Crystal Fieber is an attorney with the law firm of O’Neil Cannon Crystal counsels individuals, businesses, and municipalities in a variety of areas: including, estate planning, zoning and land use, immigration, and the prosecution and defense of civil claims. She also assists municipalities and individuals with ordinance drafting and prosecution as well as eviction and foreclosure proceedings. In addition, she speaks Spanish, and utilizes this skill to assist individuals and businesses with immigration-related issues.

Money Smart Week Wisconsin is a public awareness initiative aimed at building financial knowledge to help Wisconsin residents deal with money more quickly, confidently, and shrewdly. The initiative is a creation of the Governor’s council on Financial Literacy created by Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle. For more information, visit

O’Neil Cannon is a full-service legal practice focusing on business law, estate planning, and major complex litigation with offices in Milwaukee, Port Washington, and Sheboygan. The firm was established in 1973 and is now listed as one of the Milwaukee-area’s largest law firms.