Employment LawScene Alert: Successful Employers Recognize the Importance of Having Well-Trained Supervisors

10 years ago

Employers in today's society are faced with a variety of workplace challenges, from complying with complex and often confusing employment…

Tax and Wealth Advisor Alert: Succession PlanningTHE FIFTH SIN — "Engaging in Complexity for Complexity’s Sake"

10 years ago

There is a great quote from Oliver Wendall Holmes on complexity: “I would not give a fig for the simplicity…

Employment LawScene Alert: NLRB Issues New Rules for Union Elections

10 years ago

On Monday, December 15, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued rules that will speed up the union election…

The WiLaw Connection Quarterly Newsletter

10 years ago

Tax and Wealth Advisor Alert—"The Seven Deadly Sins of Succession Planning Series"  Employment LawScene Alert—"Successful Employers Recognize the Importance of…

Tax and Wealth Advisor Alert: Divorce Does Not Always Revoke Your Ex-Spouse as Beneficiary

10 years ago

Most states, including Wisconsin, have a statute that automatically revokes as beneficiary a divorced spouse once the divorce is final. …

Tax and Wealth Advisor Alert: Succession PlanningTHE FOURTH SIN — "Assuming the Estate Plan is the Succession Plan"

10 years ago

The fourth sin is when the business owner makes the assumption that because the estate planning documents are complete, the…

Employment LawScene Alert: NLRB Decides that Workers Can Use Their Employers Email — Even for Union Organizing

10 years ago

On December 11, 2014, in Purple Communications, Inc., the NLRB overturned its 2007 Register Guard decision and held that employees have the…

Employment LawScene Alert: Supreme Court Decides Security Check Time Doesn’t Need to be Paid Time

10 years ago

On December 9, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its decision in Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v.…

Killoran Featured in the Wisconsin Law Journal

10 years ago

Attorney Grant Killoran was featured in the Wisconsin Law Journal article entitled, "Killoran takes onstage experience to courtrooms." Read full…

Employment LawScene Alert: Can an Employer Deduct an Exempt Employee’s Salary When the Employer Closes Its Business Due to Either Inclement Weather or a Power Outage?

10 years ago

The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) provides an employer an exemption for minimum wage and overtime payments for any employee…