Attorney Timothy Caprez has recently been reappointed to serve a fourth consecutive term as Co-Chair of the Milwaukee Bar Association…
It has been estimated that over 90% of all business information today is created electronically. Use of social networking websites,…
The Waukesha County Circuit Court appointed Attorney Seth Dizard as receiver of Tri-Star Tool and Machine Inc. Dizard will oversee…
The Wisconsin Health Care Quality Improvement Act (“WHCQIA”), part of Wisconsin’s recently enacted tort reform bill, has revised Wis. Stat.…
On Friday, April 8th, Attorney Dizard, as the court appointed receiver of Meadowbrook Country Club, received court approval to sell…
The Internal Revenue Service has created a safe-harbor election under Revenue Procedure 2011-29 to allow taxpayers to allocate seventy percent…
In Chilton v. Moser, a Texas Federal District Court overturned a Bankruptcy Court and ruled that an inherited IRA owned…
Jason Scoby was recently quoted in the Wisconsin Law Journal in an article about the proposed Bucyrus-Caterpillar merger. The article,…
Carl D. Holborn has been named a Five Star Wealth Manager in Estate Planning in Milwaukee Magazine. This designation was…
Attorney Joseph D. Newbold has joined the litigation practice at the downtown Milwaukee law firm of O'Neil Cannon He will…