
Trusts as Parties to Business Agreements New Changes to Obtaining Discovery in Wisconsin for Use in Other States Limitation of Liability Time for the Income Tax Tail to Start Wagging the Estate Planning Dog Can Employees Use FMLA to Avoid Overtime? Welcome Samantha M. Amore Pleased to Announce Congratulations to Our Attorneys Listed in The […]

“Will My Adult Child With Autism Live Independently? Estate Planning for Families of Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders” “Student Loans: Recent Federal Warning Shots to Financial Institutions” Tax & Wealth Advisor™ Alert: “The Seven Deadly Sins of Estate Planning” Employment LawScene™ Alert: “Supreme Court Decides Religious Accommodation Case” Publication Watch: Inside Counsel, “Anticipating and Managing […]

“Attack of the Zombie Property” “Electronic Signatures—The Law is Catching Up” Employment LawScene™ Alert: “How FMLA Leave Should—and Should Not—Affect Your Employees’ Performance Evaluations” Dean Laing Elected as President and Managing Shareholder Featured Tax & Wealth Advisor™ Alert: “The Second Sin—”Mistaking Fairly With Equally” Publication Watch: Inside Counsel, “Anticipating and Managing Wage & Hour Pitfalls” […]

Tax & Wealth Advisor Alert—”The Seven Deadly Sins of Succession Planning Series”  Employment LawScene Alert—”Successful Employers Recognize the Importance of Having Well-Trained Supervisors” Article—”A Family Matter: Protecting an Elderly Parent with Dementia from Financial Abuse” Dean Laing Featured in the 2014 Wisconsin Super Lawyers Edition Welcome Our New Attorneys Congrats to Our 2015 Best Lawyers […]
