Employment LawScene Alert: Review Your Company’s “Top-Hat Filing” Status Now to Avoid Increased Form 5500 Penalties

Companies that have entered into arrangements (1) to pay deferred compensation to key employees (including owners), or (2) to provide…

5 years ago

Employment LawScene Alert: Eighth Circuit Holds that an SPD Can Function as a Plan Document

A federal appellate court has ruled, in MBI Energy Services v. Hoch, decided in July 2019, that a single document may…

5 years ago

Employment LawScene Alert: New Rule Will Permit Employer Reimbursement of Employees’ Individual ACA Coverage Premiums

Beginning January 1, 2020, employers will have the option to reimburse employees’ individual ACA Exchange (or Marketplace) health insurance premiums…

5 years ago

Employment LawScene Alert: IRS Issues a Second Set of April 2019 Changes to Retirement Plan Correction Program

The IRS Employee Plans division on Friday, April 19, released an updated version of its comprehensive retirement plan correction protocol. …

6 years ago

It’s (Almost) June 9! Are You Ready to Comply with the Final Fiduciary Rule?

At 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 9, 2017 (the Effective Date), the ERISA definition of a fiduciary will expand to…

8 years ago